Live Q&A #264 – Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginner – Part 9
Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginner – Part 9 – Drawing Closed Vectors
This is the ninth in a series of videos geared toward the person who has never worked with CAD or CAM software before. In this video, we’ll get into Creating Closed Vectors in Vectric software for the absolute beginner. We’ll start in the top row of icons under the Create Vectors section of the Design tab. One by one, I’ll demonstrate drawing and editing circles, ellipses, rectangles, polygons, and stars in the 2D view, as well as in the 3D view. Thanks for watching! On Sunday, October 20th, I’ll be hosting a LIVE Q&A session, where you can ask your questions pertaining to anything I’ve covered in this video. That…
Live Q&A #263 – Open Q&A
In this live stream I’ll be answering your general CNC or Vectric Software questions. Remember that I host these Live Q&A discussions every Sunday at Noon Pacific Time, 3 pm Eastern Time, so SUBSCRIBE to my channel to stay up to date! Thanks for watching!
Live Q&A #261 – Use Offsets in Job Setup – Open Q&A
In this live stream I’ll be answering your questions about using Offsets within Job Setup in the Vectric Software. This will be in addition to our regular Open Live Q&A, where I’ll answer your general CNC or Vectric Software questions. Here’s a link to Using Offsets Within Job Setup in Vectric Software: • Using Offsets Within Job Setup in Vec… Remember that I host these Live Q&A discussions every Sunday at Noon Pacific Time, 3 pm Eastern Time, so SUBSCRIBE to my channel to stay up to date! Thanks for watching!
Using Offsets Within Job Setup in Vectric Software
In this video, I’ll demonstrate the use of the Use Offsets option within the Job Setup form in Vectric software. I’ll show you a project that required that I offset the X and Y zero 3 inches each. I’ll show you how I offset the material within the Job Setup form, then show you what that looks like within the software. I’ll then show you how that worked on my CNC router when I ran the G-code. Finally, I’ll wrap up the video with a brief discussion of other applications for using these offsets. Thanks for watching! On Sunday, September 29th, I’ll be hosting a LIVE Q&A session, where you…
Live Q&A #260 – Open Q&A
In this live stream I’ll be answering your questions from the comments section of previous videos. This will be in addition to our regular Open Live Q&A, where I’ll answer your general CNC or Vectric Software questions. Remember that I host these Live Q&A discussions every Sunday at Noon Pacific Time, 3 pm Eastern Time, so SUBSCRIBE to my channel to stay up to date! Thanks for watching! Links to videos, Playlists, YouTube channels, products, and supplies as discussed in this video: Link to Michael Mezalick’s YouTube channel: / mezalick Link to CNCnutz (Peter Passuello’s) YouTube channel: / cncnutz Link to Laney Shaughnessy’s YouTube channel SpindleTV: / @spindletv Link to the Vectric for…
Live Q&A #259 – Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginner – Part 7
In this live stream I’ll answer your questions regarding Part 7 of this series, and any other question you may have about Vectric Version 12. This will be in addition to our regular Open Live Q&A, where I’ll answer your general CNC or Vectric Software questions. Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginner – Part 7 – Offset Vectors and Increment and Save: https://youtu.be/D6FTj2_i8cc Remember that I host these Live Q&A discussions every Sunday at Noon Pacific Time, 3 pm Eastern Time, so SUBSCRIBE to my channel to stay up to date!
Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginner – Part 7 – Offset Vectors and Increment and Save
This is the seventh in a series of videos geared toward the person who has never worked with CAD or CAM software before. In this video, we’ll get into Offsetting Vectors and using the Increment and Save feature in Vectric software for the absolute beginner. We’ll revisit the simple clock face we created in Part 3 of this series. I’ll show you how to Offset a vector to the Inside or Outside, then Offset a vector to both the Inside and Outside at the same time. I’ll then demonstrate saving a new copy of the file with two mouse clicks using the Increment and Save feature. Finally, I’ll demonstrate my…
Live Q&A #258 – Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginner – Part 6
In this live stream I’ll answer your questions regarding Part 6 of this series, and any other question you may have about Vectric Version 12. This will be in addition to our regular Open Live Q&A, where I’ll answer your general CNC or Vectric Software questions. Link to Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginner – Part 6 – Move, Transform, and Copy Vectors: • Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginne… Remember that I host these Live Q&A discussions every Sunday at Noon Pacific Time, 3 pm Eastern Time, so SUBSCRIBE to my channel to stay up to date!
Vectric V12+ for the Absolute Beginner – Part 6 – Move, Transform, and Copy Vectors
This is the sixth in a series of videos geared toward the person who has never worked with CAD or CAM software before. In this video, we’ll get into Moving, Transforming, and Copying vectors in Vectric software for the absolute beginner. I’ll show you how to Create a Circle, then go into Move and Transform Mode to first move, then change the size or shape of that circle. I’ll then demonstrate moving the vector to a specific point in the design using an Absolute Move, then move it again using a Relative Move. I’ll demonstrate how to Rotate a vector, then change the Rotation Center to rotate around various points…