X and Y Axis Identification and Rotation
Adding a Touch Plate and Modifying the Tailstock Mount for the Rotary Axis on My Gatton CNC
The Mount and First Run of the Rotary Axis on My Gatton CNC
Mach3 Settings for the Rotary Axis
Introducing the Rotary Axis for my Gatton CNC
I’ve wanted to add a rotary axis to my CNC since I built my first Shoestring Budget CNC back in 2015, but they were just too pricey. I looked into a couple of options for a home-built unit, but never found one that I really liked. I downloaded a few sets of free plans, and eventually bought the plans being offered by Dave Gatton, here on his website. I got Dave’s plans and started looking into them, getting more and more excited as I did so. I even went ahead and bought a Xylotex stepper motor to use in the build. Then I immediately got slammed with work, and it…