
Converting Metric Vectors to Imperial (or Vice Versa) in VCarve, Aspire, and Cut2D

Converting from Metric to Imperial is easy.

Have you ever imported a DXF file into your Vectric software, only to find that it’s incredibly huge, or unbelievably small? Well, maybe the vector file was drawn in a different unit of measure.  [expand title=”Read More”]

When you import a DXF file into VCarve, Aspire, or Cut 2D, the software imports the file as drawn. It doesn’t convert from one unit of measure to another. So if you’re working in Imperial units and import a file that was 200 mm long, Vectric assumes that it’s 200 inches. Obviously that’s a problem. Usually, converting those vectors from metric to Imperial solves the problem.

To convert from metric to Imperial or vice-versa, you have several options. One of these options is the calculators that are built in to Vectric software. That’s right – you can let the software do the math for you. The great thing about it is that it’s easy to do, and only needs to be done one time.

By request, I made a short video for a friend who asked me about converting vectors from one unit of measure to another. It’s easy to do in VCarve, Aspire, and Cut 2D software, using their built in calculators. This method works equally well if you’re attempting to convert from metric to imperial or from imperial to metric.

Don’t forget to save your file after you make the conversion! It might also be a good idea to export a DXF file in the proper unit of measure – just to be on the safe side.

Here’s a link to the video.  As usual, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them here in a comment, or shoot me an email by clicking the Contact Us link right here.

Thanks for watching!


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