CNC Community Laser Challenge

“ you can’t do that with a laser”


Six of us did a Streamyard session Tuesday evening to go over the Imag-r software and show some of the features of it. During our discussions we had the idea that it would be awesome to have a community challenge where one image was taken by everyone who wanted to participate. The participants would then take that image and manipulate it anyway they wanted to make a creation using only a laser of any kind. Then each participant would forward their creation to Mark to his email only. Mark would then show all the creations on a Monday live stream and then all could see and comment on the creations. We have discussed this more thoroughly and Mark has agreed to host the unveiling of the creation on Monday Night live stream on November 4th. The challenge will start today. The image we will all use has been uploaded to the files section of the main group, and linked below. If anyone has a problem getting the image let me (Mike Bernasconi) or Kurt know and we will get it to you. This will be a great community event and hopefully all who have a laser will contribute. Please find the guidelines below.

Laser Challenge Image
Click HERE for Full Sized Image
Guidelines and Rules

1. Only a laser may be used, no rotary permitted, to create the final image.
2. Any software may be used to manipulate the image to laser engrave.
3. You may use any substrate (wood, slate, metal, etc that you wish.
4. There is no size limit to this challenge.
5. The contest runs from last evening till midnight your local time October 31.
6. No showing the images to others prior to Mark’s show on Monday November 4th. Fun to be surprised.
7. Everyone will use the image we have provided and uploaded to the files section of the MLCNC Channel Members
8. Please include your complete process with materials, settings, laser type and brand and other pertinent information along with pictures when sending to Mark.
9. Please keep the submissions to one entry.

We hope everyone has a great time with this challenge

Mike Bernasconi –
John Thompson
Kurt Bruegl
Bill Coleman
Bob Dymock
Rob Sandstrom

If you have any questions please direct them to one of the above members for a answer or clarification.

PS Mark is hosting the reveal show but is not running the challenge so try and keep your inquiries to the group above. We don’t want to consume Mark’s time.

Thank you everyone.